Why “health is your greatest wealth”

Why “health is your greatest wealth’

Health is our greatest wealth and how to keep yours.

The fabulous human that you are, is designed to be in a state of ever adjusting equilibrium or “ease”. It is when this amazing rebalancing process is unable to work effectively that we become in a state of “dis-ease`’ be that mental, physical or spiritual. We are subject to constant changes in our lives and it is learning to adapt to these changes and allowing ourselves to rebalance and re-set after them that enables us to stay healthy. If you have poor health, then it really can prevent you from living and enjoying your life to the full. It can affect your performance at work, your relationships and much more.

It is a well-known scientific fact now that Stress can literally strangle the body and torture the mind, but why is that one person’s stress is another person’s motivation? I use the analogy of a car boot sale to analyse this: I turn up with a load of tat and someone virtually bites my hand off to buy it as to them it is treasure. “Perception is in the eye of the beholder”. Basically, we are all complete unique individuals with different sets of needs and there is never one answer to keeping us healthy.

However, there is a toolbox of techniques and basic guidelines that will assist the process of keeping well.

Ask yourself these questions first:

  • Do you know your stress triggers?
  • Do you understand how to avoid them/fix them?
  • Do your energy levels drop during the day and do you know why?
  • Do you understand the basic workings and needs of your physical body?
  • Do you ever focus on how you are sitting, standing, moving or breathing?

There are so many factors that influence our health it can, at times, seem a minefield.

Here are my top 6 things to focus on daily:

  1. Food – what your body and mind needs, and how and when you eat.
  2. Movement – understanding your body’s natural range of movements and maintaining it whilst also preserving muscle strength.
  3. Mind – using mindfulness and breathing exercises to control how you feel and react.
  4. Medication – only using prescription drugs as a very last resort and finding natural ways to heal and rebalance.
  5. Self- care – spending some time on nurturing yourself.
  6. Environment – being aware of where you are and its influences on your body and mind.

Carole Baker Dec 2023
